Wednesday, October 5, 2011

second cuti semester.

hari ketiga aku bercuti.
dan pelbagai benda yg aku dah buat dan akan buat.

buku-buku yg aku pinjam akan diperhalusi dari masa ke semasa sementara masih ada cuti ni,
aku nak make sure buka sem nanti tade la kcau aku nye study sebab buku-buku ni.

walaupun kamera dan sekutu-sekutunya mahal, tapi aku take it easy, aku rasa tak perlu kot nak terlalu melayan nafsu nak membeli segala mcm acc untuk kamera ni.

untuk aku, sikit-sikit menguasai lagi baik dari nak tau semua, tapi satu apa pun tak boleh ingat, bak kata mereka less is more , isnt it ?

Friday, February 18, 2011

hari ini punya.

dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani.

hw your life today? ada bagus ka?
ala kalau tak bagus pun, korang masih kene bersyukur sebab masih boleh lagi surf internet, usha fb,usha blog n wateverlah...

mashi2 penat lepas drive pergi ke kuala selangor dan balik semula ke rumah.
ada la dekat empat jam tanpa henti, ha ni yang tak berapa seronok time driving.
macam-macam ragam ada, dengan lorinye lah, bawak kereta lembapnya lah, penat!
biarlah semua tu jadi bahan kutukan,haha. kawos!!

on the wat balik singgah lepak kat tepi pntai jeram atau spesifik nye dekat aroma ikan bakar sebelah pantai baik punya wa cakap sama lu, hehe
kenyang balik tido...

semalam adalah kenangan, hari ini adalah kenyataan, esok? esok sabtu! so tidurlah pueh2, free from class...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

post hari ni,i have no idea.

"aku rasa aku pernah berada dalam situasi ni lah,eh tapi betul ke ?"

ape pendapat korang ? adakah sekadar kebetulan atau ada sesuatu di sebaliknya?
terpulanglah kepada diri kita sebenarnya, yang pasti ini semua kuasa Allah Taala yang berkuasa untuk menjadikan apa sahaja yang Dia mahukan terhadap hamba-Nya.

macam biasa copy pasta, because i have no idea ;8)

Pasti Anda pernah merasakan déjà vu (Bahasa Perancis, “pernah lihat”), yaitu mengalami situasi atau melihat sesuatu yang dirasasudah pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Déjà vu terbagi menjadi 3: déjà vécu (pernah mengalami), déjà senti (pernah merasakan) dan déjà visité (pernah mengunjungi). Menurut survei 70% penduduk bumi pernah mengalami ini.

Apa yang ada dipikiran Anda waktu mengalaminya? Aneh? Seru? Atau menyeramkan? Dulu waktu awal-awal mengalaminya, saya hanya merasakan aneh dan berusaha mengingat-ingat. Tapi lama-lama… hal itu cukup menyeramkan. Seperti sebuah mimpi misterius yang sulit dipecahkan. Atau mungkin sebuah peringatan dari Allah agar kita tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama?

Untuk menjelaskan hal misterius ini, berbagai teori berusaha menjelaskan termasuk yang mengatakan bahwa déjà vu berkaitan dengan mimpi. Tapi dalam mimpi pun kadang kita sulit menjelaskan atau mengingatnya (bahkan saya ikut-ikutan sulit menjelaskan tulisan ini :P ) Tapi mungkin Anda juga ingat sabda Nabi, “Manusia itu tidur, dan tatkala mereka mati barulah mereka bangun.”

Kita semua ini masih “tidur”, semua yang ada hanyalah mimpi, tidak nyata. Ketika kita selalu mengingat hal ini, maka semua beban akan lepas. Semua masalah menjadi ringan karena kita yakin di dunia ini kita sementara, masalah dunia hanyalah masalah sepele. Ketika kita mengalami déjà vu, carilah hikmah bahwa itu adalah peringatan dari Allah agar kita berhati-hati dalam berbuat.

Kita tidak ingin berteriak seperti ini: “Aduh celakalah kami! Siapakah yang membangkitkan kami dari tempat tidur kami?” (QS. Yâsin : 52) Kita juga tidak mau mengeluh: “Ya Tuhanku kembalikanlah aku (ke dunia), agar aku berbuat amal yang shaleh terhadap yang telah aku tinggalkan.” (QS. Al-Mu’minûn: 99-100) Lalu kita teringat ayat ini: “Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini melainkan senda gurau dan main-main. Dan sesungguhnya akhirat itulah yang sebenarnya kehidupan...” (QS. Al-Ankabût: 64). Wallahualam.

Info dari wikipedia :

Déjà vu (French pronunciation: [deʒa vy] ( listen), meaning "already seen") is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined. The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques ("The Future of Psychic Sciences"), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness," "strangeness," "weirdness," or what Sigmund Freud calls "the uncanny." The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience has genuinely happened in the past.[1]

The experience of déjà vu seems to be quite common among adults and children alike. References to the experience of déjà vu are found in literature of the past,[2] indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to evoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies. Certain researchers claim to have found ways to recreate this sensation usinghypnosis.[3]



Scientific research

The most likely explanation of déjà vu is not that it is an act of "precognition" or "prophecy," but rather that it is an anomaly of memory, giving the impression that an experience is "being recalled." This explanation is substantiated by the fact that the sense of "recollection" at the time is strong in most cases, but that the circumstances of the "previous" experience (when, where, and how the earlier experience occurred) are quite uncertain. Likewise, as time passes, subjects can exhibit a strong recollection of having the "unsettling" experience of déjà vu itself, but little or no recollection of the specifics of the event(s) or circumstance(s) they were "remembering" when they had the déjà vu experience. In particular, this may result from an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for short-term memory and those responsible forlong-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the past). The events would be stored into memory before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information and processes it.[citation needed]

Another theory being explored is that of vision. The theory suggests that one eye may record what is seen fractionally faster than the other, creating the "strong recollection" sensation upon the "same" scene being viewed milliseconds later by the opposite eye.[4] However, this theory fails to explain the phenomenon when other sensory inputs are involved, such as hearing or touch. If one, for instance, experiences déjà vu of someone slapping the fingers on his left hand, then the déjà vu feeling is certainly not due to his right hand experiencing the same sensation later than his left hand considering that his right hand would never receive the same sensory input. Also, people with only one eye still report experiencing déjà vu or déjà vécu (a rare disorder of memory, similar to persistent déjà vu). The global phenomenon can therefore at least in certain cases be narrowed down to the brain itself (i.e., one hemisphere being late compared to the other one).

Links with disorders

Early researchers tried to establish a link between déjà vu and serious psychopathology such as schizophrenia, anxiety, and dissociative identity disorder, with hopes of finding the experience of some diagnostic value. However, there does not seem to be any special association between déjà vu and schizophrenia or other psychiatric conditions.[3] The strongest pathological association of déjà vu is with temporal lobe epilepsy.[5][6] This correlation has led some researchers to speculate that the experience of déjà vu is possibly a neurological anomaly related to improper electrical discharge in the brain. As most people suffer a mild (i.e. non-pathological) epileptic episode regularly (e.g. ahypnagogic jerk, the sudden "jolt" that frequently, but not always, occurs just prior to falling asleep), it is conjectured that a similar (mild) neurological aberration occurs in the experience of déjà vu, resulting in an erroneous sensation of memory. For someone who regularly has such seizures, there is typically a feeling of déjà vu associated with whatever sensations (particularly sounds) may be occurring nearby.[citation needed]


It has been reported that certain drugs increase the chances of déjà vu occurring in the user. Some pharmaceutical drugs, when taken together, have also been implicated in the cause of déjà vu. Taiminen and Jääskeläinen (2001)[7] reported the case of an otherwise healthy male who started experiencing intense and recurrent sensations of déjà vu upon taking the drugs amantadine and phenylpropanolaminetogether to relieve flu symptoms. He found the experience so interesting that he completed the full course of his treatment and reported it to the psychologists to write up as a case study. Due to the dopaminergic action of the drugs and previous findings from electrode stimulation of the brain (e.g. Bancaud, Brunet-Bourgin, Chauvel, & Halgren, 1994.[8]) Taiminen and Jääskeläinen speculate that déjà vu occurs as a result of hyperdopaminergic action in the mesial temporal areas of the brain. Many scientists[which?] are still working towards the actual link of déjà vu with hypnagogic epilepsy.

Memory-based explanations

The similarity between a déjà-vu-eliciting stimulus and an existing, but different, memory trace may lead to the sensation.[3][9] Thus, encountering something which evokes the implicit associations of an experience or sensation that cannot be remembered may lead to déjà vu. In an effort to experimentally reproduce the sensation, Banister and Zangwill (1941)[10][11] used hypnosis to give participants posthypnotic amnesia for material they had already seen. When this was later re-encountered, the restricted activation caused thereafter by the posthypnotic amnesia resulted in three of the 10 participants reporting what the authors termed "paramnesias." Memory-based explanations may lead to the development of a number of non-invasive experimental methods by which a long sought-after analogue of déjà vu can be reliably produced that would allow it to be tested under well-controlled experimental conditions. Cleary[9] suggests that déjà vu may be a form of familiarity-based recognition (recognition that is based on a feeling of familiarity with a situation) and that laboratory methods of probing familiarity-based recognition hold promise for probing déjà vu in laboratory settings. Another possible explanation for the phenomenon of déjà vu is the occurrence of "cryptamnesia", which is where information learned is forgotten but nevertheless stored in the brain, and similar occurrences invoke the contained knowledge, leading to a feeling of familiarity because of the situation, event or emotional/vocal content, known as "déjà vu".

Related phenomena

Jamais vu

Jamais vu (from French, meaning "never seen") is a term in psychology which is used to describe any familiar situation which is not recognized by the observer.

Often described as the opposite of déjà vu, jamais vu involves a sense of eeriness and the observer's impression of seeing the situation for the first time, despite rationally knowing that he or she has been in the situation before.

Jamais vu is more commonly explained as when a person momentarily does not recognize a word, person, or place that they already know.

Jamais vu is sometimes associated with certain types of amnesia and epilepsy.

Theoretically, as seen below, a jamais vu feeling in a sufferer of a delirious disorder or intoxication could result in a delirious explanation of it, such as in the Capgras delusion, in which the patient takes a person known by him/her for a false double or impostor. If the impostor is himself, the clinical setting would be the same as the one described as depersonalisation, hence jamais vus of oneself or of the very "reality of reality", are termed depersonalisation (or surreality) feelings.

Times Online reports:

Chris Moulin, of the University of Leeds, asked 95 volunteers to write out "door" 30 times in 60 seconds. At the International Conference on Memory in Sydney last week he reported that 68 percent of the volunteers showed symptoms of jamais vu, such as beginning to doubt that "door" was a real word. Dr. Moulin believes that a similar brain fatigue underlies a phenomenon observed in some schizophrenia patients: that a familiar person has been replaced by an impostor. Dr. Moulin suggests they could be suffering from chronic jamais vu.[12]

Presque vu (Tip of Tongue)

Déjà vu is similar to, but distinct from, the phenomenon called tip of the tongue which is when one cannot recall a familiar word or name or situation, but with effort one eventually recalls the elusive memory. In contrast, déjà vu is a feeling that the present situation has occurred before, but the details are elusive because the situation never happened before.

Presque vu (from French, meaning "almost seen") is the sensation of being on the brink of an epiphany. Often very disorienting and distracting, presque vu rarely leads to an actual breakthrough. Frequently, one experiencing presque vu will say that they have something "on the tip of my tongue".

Presque vu is often cited by people who suffer from epilepsy or other seizure-related brain conditions, such as temporal lobe lability.

deja vu brain


December 1 2008

Fort Collins, CO – Déjà Vu, the feeling that you have been in the same place experiencing the same thing, is something that has affected all of us at one point or another, or another. Now researchers have uncovered a possible reason for the occurrence, though the explanation comes as little surprise to those experiencing the phenomenon again and again.two heads

“Many parallels between explanations of déjà vu and theories of human recognition memory exist,” said Anne Cleary of Colorado State University. “Theories of familiarity-based recognition and the laboratory methods used to study it may be especially useful for elucidating the processes underlying déjà vu experiences.”

A report published in Current Directions in Psychological Science states that déjà vu occurs when a current situation resembles a situation that has previously occurred in one’s life. When multiple elements of the two situations overlap, the feeling of familiarity is sparked.

“What we found was that people retain fragments of memory and they then subconsciously reconstruct the occurrence,” continued Cleary. “The mind fills in the gaps and it appears as though an event is reoccurring, but it is an entirely new happening.”

A report published in Current Directions in Psychological Science states that déjà vu occurs when a current situation resembles a situation that has previously occurred in one’s life. When multiple elements of the two situations overlap, the feeling of familiarity is sparked. jethro tull living in the past

The researchers hope that they can use this research to uncover some of the mysteries of the human mind, and do away with the notion that Déjà Vu is somehow a mystical or otherworldly experience.

“We want people to understand that these are not visions into the past, at least not in the traditional sense,” continued Cleary. “Memories obviously give us a foothold in the past and our recollection of them is a form of time travel. We do want people to understand that this is an occurrence of the human condition though and not something mystical.”duh can

Of course most in the scientific community have long dismissed the idea of the happenings of Déjà Vu as anything other than a natural occurrence of the human brain. Even those less familiar with the scientific logic behind the occurrence generally dismiss it as little more than an interesting occurrence.

“I don’t know of anyone who has seen déjà vu as anything other than a neat little thing that happens occasionally. I don’t know of anyone who came away from one of those experiences believing they had somehow just had some kind of vision,” said Scrape TV Science analyst Dr. Howard Poe. “”Research into the oddities of the human mind and human experience can be nothing but beneficial, but there comes a time when researchers end up telling us exactly what we knew or suspected all along. Logic it seems doesn’t come into play when it comes to grant money. Nonetheless, someone could probably use this research for something, someday, as long as they remember it was done.”

Thursday, September 16, 2010

salam aidilfitri

Assalamualaikum semua, syukran sbb tgk blog aku ni,
sebulan rasenye mcm sekejap jew umat islam berpuasa.
harapan ramadhan yg aku simpan sbelum puasa tak kesampaian lagi, puasa yg aku tunai tataw dpt di terima ke tak, mudah-mudahan Allah menerima lah ibadah aku .

fuh,sebulan aku berpuasa mcm2 benda yang jadi, orang seagama dgn aku yg mampu berpuasa tak puasa,cuaca pns yg terik,hehe taun ni aku wat keje sikit time bulan posa ni, almaklum lah, org tak pndai kenelah kerja keras sikit, untuk pengetahuan aku tolong paman aku jual kurma,ala kecil-kecilan jew. alhamdulillah, habis jugak kurma2 tuh walaupun ade la balance skit,tapi boleh lah. inilah kot nama nye rezeki bulan ramadhan kan? hehe mcm2 lah benda yg jadi sepanjang puasa yg mengajar aku tentang manusia. hari yang ditunggu dah nk sampai,fuhh...
punyalah penat aku mnyiapkan perhiasan untuk rumah,mengecat,gila jugak lah ;p
paling lama kontrak mengecat rumah nenek la kot, ade dekat seminggu jugaklah,padahai cat tembok jew pun. hadoyai, tp tue un tak habes lagi,hehe sikit lagi beb. takpo2..

selasa aku kualah pi pekan,nk cari barang lah katakan,hehe
barang nk ngecat lagi sikit,sikit jew.
aku singgah la opis kejap,nk closing kira-kira jualan kurma.wah wah wah, untung besau nampak.
terlajak jari aku untuk memetik radio punya suis tu,kedengaran lagu2 yg tak sedap langsung.
dlm radio tu kedengaran suara dj tu cakap, jgn percaya rumors hari raya jatuh hari khamis.
apa? teng teng teng... haha,selambe jew
kene cepat wat keje nie,merbahaya.

harinya semakin tiba,detik 1 syawal semakin melambai2.
terasa sayu dihati nk tinggalkan ibadah puasa yg wajib ni,alahai...
kerja2 pun semakin siap,alhamdulillah.

setelah itu,barulah bersedia menghadapi semuanya.hehe
hari khamis aku bersama keluarga bertolak dari banting ke batu pahat,
alhamdulillah,sempat berbuka kt RnR somban.
perjalanan yg agak perlahan di atas lebuhraya menghala ke arah selatan, tapi agak terkawal. takpew :)
kami tiba dgn selamat di kampung parit tambak pada pukuk 10 lbih.
itu jew yg dpt aku ceritakan..
mcm bodoh jew kn,haha
mampus la saner,tak kesa un

btw, selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin kalau ade terkasar bahasa ke tegurau melampau kew pew kew. mohon di ampun kesalahan nye ye ;) aku tataw lah nk ckp pew dgn org yg reti berhutang tapi tak reti nk bayar :) hayya.

Monday, August 2, 2010


lama nye la tak update blog ni beb,hehe
kerje byk sgt ke aku ni? takde lah poyo jew ade lah
anyway skrg aku still tlong ayh aku, batch stp kelas aku sume ngh study kt kuliah masing2, aku jew yg maseh terkapai2,hehhe
nilah akibatnye kalu tak ikhlas gi belajar,tinggal solat n berkapel.

sempat ke tak sempat nk smbung belajar ni aku tataw, yg pnting aku cuba sedaya upaya aku untuk berjaya dlm hidup.

bile korang nak balek,nk tgk wyg sama2 lagi lorh,
chopps,korang nk tgk wyg lagi ke? almaklum la.ustaz2 kn. hehe

atira,la ni saya tgk awk da heppi kt tmpat blajar baru, seronok er?
hehe,even saya taw memutuskan ukhwah tu ta bek, tp sy trpaksa ikut ckp awk,sokay
saya doakan awak akan terus bahagia tanpa saya.

p/s: hari ini tanpa semalam umpama keropok udg tanpa perasa
salam :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

good day for a week :) jumaat.

pagi-pagi je dah kene gi sekolah,

aduhh,sayu nye hati ni,ttbe lak takbir kt tv ni,
sempat ke aku bjumpe ngn ramadhan akan dtg,
tarawih ta penah complete.

ok,sambung cite tadi, let bygone be bygone ;)
putri,td i saw u ngn ur boyfriend :)
tape la,tanak tego,bukan sombong, tanak die pk cm2 lak,
first time nmpk u ngn die lepas lame kite ta cntc,its okay, i noe who i am.

cite yg kt sekola ni syok sikit :)
tadi paper yg ke 7, ala just for a trial stpm jew hehe
syariah satu td mmg ta ley jwb,dpt jwb 3 jew,2 soalan terpaksa ditinggalkan,sbb ta bace.
aku nie mmg pemalas,sengal,pelix,mcm2 ar..

kt masjid lak,td khatib uh cite psal zakat.
sedap siot die bwk,ta khusyuk solat sunat aku tadi.
tue yg nk cpt2 abes kn solat,nk tgk sape yg bwk en, mmg bkn org sini un
bacaan die,perghh, hafiz kut khatib ni, kan bes kalu bole ikut die jamaah tarawih.
cmner la nk cari ni.

smbung kot...

perlawanan yg sengit ;)

Assalamualaikum para penonton sekalian,

Tepat jam 12 malam 21 Ramadan 1430 H, bilal meniupkan wisel tanda bermulanya separuh masa kedua perlawanan akhir, Piala Juara-Juara Ramadan di antara Taqwa United dan Nafsu City. Pengkritik dan penganalisa bola sepak tanah air (ustaz-ustaz) telah banyak memberikan pandangan serta komentar yang pedas tentang persembahan longlai pasukan tempatan, Taqwa United dalam tempoh separuh masa pertama perlawanan di konti-konti Masjid berdekatan.

Untuk makluman saudara sekalian,

Taqwa United sedang ketinggalan 3-0 oleh seteru tradisi, Nafsu City. Dua gol daripada penyerang berbisa Nafsu City iaitu Emmanuel Amarah manakala satu lagi gol daripada Carlos Umpat meletakkan pasukan mereka sebelah tangan menggenggam piala teragung buat umat. Strategi 3-4-4 dengan 4 orang striker yang digunakan team Nafsu City sukar dikekang barisan pemain muda Taqwa United. Barisan pertahanan team tempatan yang diketuai oleh Zikir Selawat dan pemain kelahiran Narathiwat, Wirid Harian lemas dalam asakan rangkaian serangan emas yang dibarisi Roque Syahwat Cruz, Carlos Umpat, Dengki-ho dan Emmanuel Amarah (Pemenang Kasut Emas Liga Juara Ramadan musim lalu dengan 30 gol setiap hari)

Penganalisa berpendapat jurulatih pasukan Taqwa United, Sir Iman DHati perlu melakukan rombakan besar-besaran bukan sahaja dari sudut taktik malahan pemain. Pemain-pemain veteran yang longlai seperti Pose Kosong dan Tido Slalu perlu diganti dengan pemain muda berbakat seperti Ikhlas Sedekah atau Tadarus Quran demi memantapkan jentera tengah pasukan Taqwa United. Pemain-pemain veteran kelihatan tidak bermaya dan gagal mengekang kelincahan Gareth Boros dan Stephen IkutNafsu terutama ketika waktu berbuka dan di pusat membeli-belah di separuh masa pertama.

Begitu juga dengan rangkaian serangan pasukan United yang diterajui Tahjud-Din dan Munajat Malam, MM perlu dikerah untuk beraksi di segenap kotak sejadah bagi mengucar-kacirkan kubu pertahan lawan yang dikawal ketat Jolelon Lagho dan Kolo TidoLajak. Tambahan pula, penyerang berkembar itu perlu mengelakkan diri daripada terus diselimuti kedua-dua tembok besar pasukan Nafsu City itu untuk menjaringkan gol-gol yang diperlukan.

Namun penganalisa tempatan begitu optimis bahawa team Taqwa United mampu mengurang defisit tiga gol lawan dalam separuh masa kedua nanti. Dengan ketiadaan ketua jurulatih pasukan City yang digantung, Iblis dan pembantu jurulatih, Satan, pasukan Taqwa United masih berpeluang merangkul kejuaraan kurniaan Ilahi seterusnya meraikan kemenangan di Aidilfitri.

Sewaktu wawancara bersama Sir Iman DHati, anak buahnya bersemangat mengejar bonus dan ganjaran berlipat kali ganda yang dikurniakan pada 10 minit terakhir permainan. Mereka juga berharap tuah Lailatul Qadar menyebelahi mereka untuk mempertahankan kejuaraan yang dimenangi mereka tahun lalu. Selain itu, beliau juga berharap agar ibrah Nuzul Quran dapat dijadikan tonik kemenangan dan pembakar semangat buat pasukan muda United mengejar impian mereka bergelar Juara.

Oh ! Kelihatan, penyokong pasukan Nafsu City dan Taqwa United sudah mula memenuhi semula tempat duduk masing-masing. Penyokong kedua-dua pasukan bersorak bersungguh-sungguh demi membangkitkan semangat team kesayangan mereka. Team sorak Nafsu City dengan pakaian yang menjolok mata dan mengurangkan pahala manakala team sorak Taqwa United dengan pakaian seorang Muslim sejati juga telah berkumpul di tepi padang untuk terus menghangatkan bahang perlawanan.

Siapakah yang akan memenangi perlawanan berprestij ini? Layakkah team Taqwa United menerima imbuhan pelepasan api neraka seperti yang dijanjikan Ilahi selepas tamat perlawanan? Atau kemenangan akan bertukar tangan kepada pasukan yang berbelanja besar, Nafsu City musim ini? Jika kemenangan bertukar tangan maka imbuhan kemenangan yang diperolehi akan dijadikan modal oleh Iblis dan Satan untuk terus berbelanja besar pada musim hadapan mengikat pemain-pemain terbaik dunia seterusnya menutup peluang pasukan lain mengejar impian akhirat.

Sama-sama kita saksikan kesudahan perlawan akhir ini...

Sekian dari saya, Hizbullah Awang untuk anda yang masih termenung di luar sana.